Professional life coaching services.
TCG Mentors and life coaches, are on hand to help you achieve your goals, any aspect of your life our mentors are able to sit down to create the plans and solutions to guide you on your path, our mentors have access to clinical leads in psychology that are qualified counsellors, with our holistic approach, we look at all the factors in your life to calculate the best approach to suit you as an individual. TCG is unique in its approach to life coaching, we have a mentoring team made up of clinical leads and business professionals, as a group they support our life coaches to provide the best possible services, they help guide life coaches who may not have an expertise in an area that you require help, perhaps your battling with depression, our mentors will guide our life coaches through clinical knowledge, perhaps your starting a business venture in a sector that your life coach is unfamiliar with, our mentors will aid through their collective business knowledge. Our life coaches specialise in strategic design, how to create, implement and follow goals that you identify together, creating realistic time frames to achieve your goals, our life coaches provide you the accountability to you may want or need to ensure success, its easy to get distracted in life our coaches provide the assurance and resilience you need to make it happen. our mentoring teams provide that same service to our life coaches, we don't just support you, we support our professionals, we share our knowledge and experience. No other provider supplies this multi-layered support. Being able to offer both physical and online services, to ensure options for cost effective services. Coaches follow up sessions with 5-15 minutes accountability calls these can be scheduled through out the day, if you feel your mental health is suffering you can speak to one of our clinical leads over the phone, for a one on one support session. Achieving your life goals, living your best life, has never been easier. Contact us today: [email protected] +44 (0) 207 101 4 909
TCG is reaching out to SIA licenced professionals to join our recent contracts.
Minimum Requirements:
Professionalism: "TCG believes in the delivery of multi-faceted solutions, we support you to support our clients, we are values driven in line with the IPR Group. Opportunities are available within our wider group for further employment. TCG are able to offer progression and opportunities, we offer in-house support, guidance and training, we work with the best and we offer our best." Contact us: [email protected] TCG SEC (UK) LTD - 13906355 TCG is part of the IPR Group. Going out? going on dates? visiting clubs? something as trivial as these activities, come with personal safety risks, unfortunately a few individuals in this world believe it is within their right to cause harm. With the world turning more and more to apps and online dating, more and more the trend of meeting with people they have met online and have not been introduced to one another through examples like; friends, workplaces or family. We look as simple and effective solutions and ideas you can put in place to keep safe and be found. Ways to keep safe whilst on a night out or a date;
'Ask for Angela' was originally developed by Lincolnshire County Council and adopted by the Met in 2016 as a localised initiative by its police licensing officers. The introduction of WAVE training in 2017 underpinned the delivery of Ask for Angela and more venues began to take on the initiative. National Pub Watch created the campaign poster "Ask for Angela" that TCG & IPR have used as an example. Venue security and staff should be aware of this campaign, offering a safe key word for a person who may find themselves in a vulnerable situation. Does your venue deploy this possibly life saving and simple solution to protect those who find themselves afraid and vulnerable whilst visiting your establishment? IPR Close Protection & Security Services Limited Blog on "Ask for Angela" Download Ask For Angela PDF poster for your business or media & marketing campaigns; Credit: National Pub Watch (Source). ![]()
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November 2024