You can use a risk assessment template to help you keep a simple record of:
Resources for security professionals; Free security and safety management plan, you can download and apply this template to your projects. Document credit and Reference link: GISF This is a useful resource for security professionals; A free to use, risk assessment template from the UK government. "A security risk assessment identifies, assesses, and implements key security controls in applications. It also focuses on preventing application security defects and vulnerabilities." What3Words is a free to use app to accurately gauge and share an exact location, the developers divided the world into 3 metre squares and assigned each square a combination of three words. What3Words is a powerful tool, free to utilise, prime choice for sharing locations covering operational or logistical support, it has become common and best practice when providing an address or location to give a what 3 words co-ordinates, for example the address given may not take you to the entrance or front gate of the property, What3Words can give an accurate 3 meter location to create a time saving and effective solution to share accurate data to operational teams, the app has become the number one choice in support of emergency services responding to situations.
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